3 key reasons why diversity, equity, and inclusion are more important than ever to any business
The workforce of a diverse organization is fundamentally representative of the population of the regions in which it operates. Diversity describes the range of human differences and variations, whether innate or acquired through experience. In today’s labor markets, these differences can be the basis for various forms of exclusion and lead to different forms of discrimination.
Moral Imperatives
Giving all people equal access and opportunity to work under fair and equitable conditions is simply the right thing to do. Inclusive companies declare fairness and opportunity for all as part of their corporate values and codes of conduct and delineate exclusionary behavior as entirely unacceptable. Moral issues raised by new workplace technologies and practices only further underscore the need to build a corporate culture that proactively engages the entire workforce in these issues.
Legal imperative
The International Labor Organization has enacted several conventions aimed at eliminating discrimination in all areas of work. They have been ratified by the vast majority of countries and serve as the basis for national legislation on equal treatment and opportunity in the workplace. Multinational organizations must consider the rights and entitlements afforded by law to potential employees in different locations when operating in these various legal environments.
Economic Imperative
Fully realizing the competitive benefits of diversity, equality and inclusion may require some initial learning by managers, employees, and the organization as a whole — but a large body of research conclusively demonstrates that well-managed diverse teams perform significantly better over time than well-managed homogeneous teams.
Diversity & AI
In a world that is becoming more data-driven and algorithms are used more and more for decision making, we need more DIVERSITY!
To avoid data bias, it is not only the variety of data sets that is sufficient but the diversity of the team should be expanded. More diversity in teams means that people with many perspectives and different experiences and cultures can supply the data points.
One thing is sure: diversity in teams will positively affect the ML Models created, as the teams will understand and interpret the requirements and outcomes much better. ~ (THE AI THOUGHT BOOK)
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Link (Amazon): THE AI THOUGHT BOOK: Inspirational Thoughts & Quotes on Artificial Intelligence