AI Ethicists — The Stewards of the Future
To be an AI ethicist is to be a steward of the future, much like the guardians Plato envisioned in his Republic. It requires a commitment to justice, not just in the distribution of benefits and burdens of AI, but in ensuring that these technologies do not amplify our worst impulses but elevate our best.
We must cultivate the courage of a Kantian categorical imperative, acting in ways that respect the intrinsic worth of all individuals, human or otherwise. This means developing AI with an eye toward universal principles that uphold human rights and dignity, regardless of the immediate benefits.
AI ethics is not a passive endeavor but an ongoing engagement, reflection, and action process. It’s about being vigilant against the seductive allure of technological determinism, the belief that technology’s path is unchangeable and must be unquestioningly followed. Like the existentialists, we must assert our freedom and responsibility in shaping this technological landscape.
AI Ethicists are the stewards of the future, navigators who chart the course between human values and technological horizons, ensuring we do not lose our way in our pursuit of progress.