Elevating Philosophy and Human Understanding Over Digital Obsession
The day will come when a degree in philosophy and human sciences will be more in demand than a computer scientist or economist.
~ Murat Durmus (Mindful AI)
It is the day when society collectively experiences an epiphany and realizes that understanding people is more critical than crunching numbers or programming algorithms.
A civilization where the soft, nuanced skills of philosophy and the humanities are seen as essential to tackling the complexities of human existence. In such a world, we value empathy over efficiency, making each individual feel valued and understood. Wisdom over wealth, and meaning over mechanization. Aristotle’s ethos, pathos, and logos are the guiding principles that lead us away from the cold calculus of cost-benefit analysis and towards a more holistic understanding of human well-being.
Once a marginalized sage, the philosopherwould be at the forefront, guiding us through the complexities of modern life’s labyrinth. With their profound insights into morality, ethics, and the nature of being, philosophers would point the way to true fulfillment beyond the myopic goals of productivity and profit, providing reassurance and guidance.
With their profound understanding of culture, society, and behavior, human scientists would help us weave a more interconnected and compassionate fabric of existence. They would offer invaluable perspectives on mental health, social justice, and environmental sustainability, often neglected in the relentless pursuit of economic growth.
As Nietzsche would say,
“He who has a reason to live can endure almost any how.”
Or how would it naturally align with a more meaningful and just existence in a world where philosophy and the human sciences illuminate the why? Once a marginalized sage, the philosopher said that the pursuit of knowledge would not be limited to the manufacture of gadgets or the accumulation of wealth but would extend to the enrichment of our souls and the betterment of our society.
Let us dare to ‘dream’ of this enlightened future. It could be the day we finally realize that while computers can calculate and economies can flourish, our philosophical and humanistic insights will help us succeed.
… until then, we can only hope that the current obsession with the digital and the financial will eventually give way to a deeper, more profound appreciation of the human spirit.
More thought-provoking thoughts:
MINDFUL AI: Reflections on Artificial Intelligence
Thought-Provoking Quotes & Reflections on Artificial Intelligence
New Book Release: Beyond the Algorithm: An Attempt to Honor the Human Mind in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (Wittgenstein Reloaded)
Deutsche Ausgabe: Jenseits des Algorithmus: Ein Versuch, den menschlichen Geist im Zeitalter der künstlichen Intelligenz zu würdigen (Wittgenstein Reloaded)