Information Overload — How to Identify your Needs and Goals

Murat Durmus (CEO @AISOMA_AG)
2 min readMar 25, 2023
Information Overload — How to Identify your Needs and Goals

In today’s world, information is available at the touch of a button. Yet, filtering what is relevant to personal or professional lives can be challenging with so much data. This is where identifying our information needs and goals comes into play.

What is meant by information needs?

Information needs are the gap between what we currently know and need to know to make informed decisions or take action. These needs can arise in various contexts, such as personal, professional, or academic. When we identify our information needs, we can determine what we lack in knowledge or skills and fill those gaps to achieve our goals.

Establishing information goals

Once we have identified our information needs, the next step is to set information objectives. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Setting canny goals helps us stay focused and motivated and ensures we achieve the desired results.

The importance of information evaluation

Identifying our information needs and setting smart goals is the first step in making informed decisions or taking action. Evaluating the quality and reliability of the information we collect is also essential. In today’s digital age, misinformation and fake news are rampant, and it is crucial to distinguish credible sources from unreliable ones.

Evaluating the quality and reliability of the information we collect is also essential.

When evaluating information, we should consider the source, the author’s credentials, the date of publication, and any biases that might influence the interpretation of the information. It is also essential to check the information against other credible sources to verify its accuracy.

Assessing the quality and reliability of the information we collect is critical to making decisions based on accurate data.

Identifying information needs and setting wise goals are critical to personal, professional, or academic success. Understanding what we lack in knowledge or skills allows us to focus on acquiring the necessary information to make informed decisions or take action. Assessing the quality and reliability of the information we collect is critical to making decisions based on accurate data. With these skills in our toolbox, we can navigate the vast flood of information and use it to our advantage.


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A Brief Guide of 12 Strategies to Minimize the Adverse Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Your Daily Life” (available on Amazon)

A Brief Guide of 12 Strategies to Minimize the Adverse Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Your Daily Life



Murat Durmus (CEO @AISOMA_AG)

CEO & Founder @AISOMA_AG | Author | #ArtificialIntelligence | #CEO | #AI | #AIStrategy | #Leadership | #Philosophy | #AIEthics | (views are my own)