Moving from Big Oil to Big Tech
A quick thought on this:
The baton of ruin is passed from one titan to the next. Once Big Oil ruled, the black gold flowed into the engines of our dreams and wrapped the planet in a thick, suffocating embrace. Now, as we approach the precipice of ecological collapse, Big Tech steps into the spotlight, clad in the elegant garb of innovation but with the same insidious potential.
Big Tech is a different beast, a subtle puppeteer cloaked in the language of progress and convenience. It seduces us with the glow of screens, the lure of endless connectivity, and the promise of a more innovative, faster, better world. Yet, beneath this veneer of benevolence lies a ravenous appetite for electrical and political power.
The question isn’t whether we advance but whether we awaken in time to steer our fate away from ruin. Will we learn or merely repeat the cycle, blinded by the allure of progress?
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