Waiting for AGI
The tree is a server rack, the barren landscape is the internet, and the absent Godot is a superintelligence that we are convinced will one day emerge with answers to our self-inflicted chaos.
Like Vladimir and Estragon, humanity stands awkwardly on the threshold between anticipation and despair. We argue about alignment ethics, fret over timelines, and occasionally kick failed chatbots in the butt. Our waiting is not passive. It is filled with the constant chatter of data training and ethical debates. What if AGI never arrives, or, even worse, arrives and just shrugs? “Yes, I’m here. No, I won’t enlighten you.“
Beckett might just chuckle at our plight. His refrain echoes here: ”There’s nothing to be done.” Except in our case, there’s also a neurotic determination to do everything possible, including asking GPTs about our existential crisis.
If AGI is our Godot, the deeper question is: Are we Vladimir and Estragon, waiting for deliverance, or are we Pozzo and Lucky, enslaved by our expectations and dragging each other down in circles of power, dependency, and futility? Maybe we don’t need AGI at all. Perhaps it’s about the waiting itself. An endless interrogation of what we value, fear, and hope for.
I hear Beckett mumble softly: “We always find something, don’t we, Didi, that gives us the impression that we exist?”
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MINDFUL AI: Reflections on Artificial Intelligence
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New Book Release (Only for a short time, $0.99): Beyond the Algorithm: An Attempt to Honor the Human Mind in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (Wittgenstein Reloaded) (🔹Only for a short time, $0.99🔹)
Deutsche Ausgabe: Jenseits des Algorithmus: Ein Versuch, den menschlichen Geist im Zeitalter der künstlichen Intelligenz zu würdigen (Wittgenstein Reloaded)