Why the EU AI Act is Bureaucratic Bull****
The EU AI Act is a bureaucratic fever dream disguised as ethical oversight. It’s like trying to regulate a tornado with a checklist, but in this case, the checklist is brighter than the people filling out the form.
At its core, the EU AI Act is built to ensure artificial intelligence doesn’t spiral out of control. But here’s the problem: it assumes that AI, in all its complexity, can be corralled by human-crafted rules without suffocating innovation or turning the whole field into a compliance nightmare. It’s as if they’re asking an artist to paint the Mona Lisa while specifying exactly how many brushstrokes they’re allowed. “Please, da Vinci, follow our guidelines on appropriate brush pressure.”
And the categories they try to create — high risk, low risk, no risk — are laughable. AI doesn’t play by neat, bureaucratic labels. It’s like trying to define Nietzsche’s concept of the “will power” as risky or non-risky — sure, let’s just classify existential ambition; that’ll work. They’re trying to legislate creativity, curiosity, and the future itself, all through a legal framework that can barely keep up with a toaster that uses machine learning to figure out how you like your bread.
Worse still, the Act smells faintly of that age-old European urge to control everything — it’s the same instinct that gave us baroque architecture, 5-hour lunch breaks, and 30-page forms to buy a phone. They’ve applied that desire for control to AI, forgetting that the beauty of technology, much like life itself, lies in its unpredictability.
The EU AI Act is bullshit because it pretends you can fence in the future with the same legalese used to argue over cheese tariffs. It’s like Heidegger trying to write a user manual for a quantum computer: neither side understands the other, and we’re all just watching, bemused, as it all unravels.
More thought-provoking thoughts:
Thought-Provoking Quotes & Reflections on Artificial Intelligence (🔹Only for a short time, $0.99🔹)
New Book Release (Only for a short time, $0.99): Beyond the Algorithm: An Attempt to Honor the Human Mind in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (Wittgenstein Reloaded) (🔹Only for a short time, $0.99🔹)
Deutsche Ausgabe: Jenseits des Algorithmus: Ein Versuch, den menschlichen Geist im Zeitalter der künstlichen Intelligenz zu würdigen (Wittgenstein Reloaded)